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InvestigationsBefore you rent an apartment, hire an employee, pay out for workmam's compensation or accept another person's word about their injuries or finances, come to Estey Associates. We use the latest electronic equipment, surveillance techniques and personal, business and government databases to gather information about individuals and businesses. Trusting the wrong person can be costly. When you need to make an informed decision, call on Estey Associates for a private investigation. |
Litigation SupportEstey Associates provides comprehensive litigation support for attorneys throughout New England. Before and during preparations for trial and appeal, through depositions and during the trial itself, Estey Associates provides expert investigation and research services for attorneys. We review depositions, evidence and law enforcement actions; locate and interview witnesses; and give you the perspective of investigators with decades of police detection, FBI and trial experience. For expert litigation support, call on Estey Associates. |
SecurityWhen your company is safe and secure, you and your employees can concentrate on business. Estey Associates works with you to create, complete and initiate your safety plan. We monitor the plan and provide safety personnel to meet your requirements. Our safety plans have been instituted by schools and businesses throughout New Hampshire. We also provide training in crisis prevention, crisis management, crisis intervention and emergency response, including CPR and first aid. Before you risk the safety and security of yourself, your company or your employees, call on Estey Associates. |
Computer ForensicsAre you worried about the security of your computer system? Are employees using their computers in ways that could damage your company? For your civil or criminal lawsuit, is it critical to gain access to deleted, encrypted or hidden files on a computer? The experts at Estey Associates follow the trail of electronic data to detect tampering; restore deleted, formatted, hidden or corrupted files; uncover crucial data trails; and restore computer security after sabotage or error. We maintain the chain of custody for use in criminal and civil litigation, including intellectual property disputes, divorce actions and fraud investigations. |
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